Full Dentures from the Mile Zero Denture Clinic

Full or complete dentures are designed to replace all of your missing teeth. These types of dentures are supported by the tissues and bone you have in your mouth. At the Mile Zero Denture Clinic we offer two types of full dentures: standard and precision. You can find our denture clinics in Dawson Creek and Fort St. John.
Denture materials differ in quality and composition. Denture teeth come in a wide selection of shapes, moulds, shades and varying degrees of hardness.
Precision Dentures
Precision dentures are made using high quality materials such as Ivopcap denture base and Vita Physiodens™ teeth. Precision dentures are fabricated with additional techniques that are not included with standard dentures. Remember, no two mouths are the same. Precision dentures are the best traditional solution to recreate your own personal smile and are designed to appear more natural and fit more comfortably. Precision dentures generally have a longer life span and need fewer adjustments than standard dentures.
Standard Dentures
A standard denture is made using basic tooth shapes, shades and materials. Standard dentures are less expensive at the onset, but tend to wear down at a faster rate and need to be replaced more often than Precision denture teeth. Regardless of your choice, the Mile Zero Denture Clinic is committed to providing all of our patients the best possible fit, function and appearance.
How Many Appointments Will I Need to Complete My Denture?
During this preliminary step, the denturist will ask what she can help you with. Discuss your past experience with dentures and she will address any questions or concerns you may have. She will also examine the oral cavity and structures and begins the formulation of an individualized treatment plan. If you have a dental plan, a pre-authorization can be sent to your insurance company after this appointment.
First impressions are taken for diagnostic purposes and to aid in the construction of custom trays for final impressions. During this preliminary step, the denturist also examines and documents the oral cavity and structures.
Using the impression trays created from the first set of impressions, the denturist takes a second set of impressions. This step ensures optimal impression accuracy so that the resulting fit of the denture is excellent.
“Taking the bite” is a process of establishing the position of the upper jaw to the lower and preliminary positioning of teeth and facial support. Tooth shade and mould is also selected at this appointment.
“Taking the bite” is a process of establishing the position of the upper jaw to the lower and preliminary positioning of teeth and facial support. Tooth shade and mould is also selected at this appointment.
The face-bow is used to locate the upper denture in relation to the joints that move the jaw. This will facilitate precise functions of the dentures with the patient's biological structures. The face-bow is only utilized in the fabrication of precision dentures.
At this stage, the denturist has constructed a preliminary set of dentures. Made out of wax, they are meant to give patients a chance to “try on” their new dentures and see what they will look like before processing the wax denture base into hard acrylic (the finished product). The “bite” is also confirmed at this appointment.
At this stage, the patient can express any changes or concerns they have with the appearance and the appropriate changes can be made. We at the Mile Zero Denture Clinic will not finish the denture until you are satisfied at this appointment.
Your dentures have been created from the wax sample to the real thing, and you will be able to take them home. The denturist will ensure the “bite” is correct and will adjust any pressure spots. You will receive a “goody bag” which will include a denture brush, a denture case, Renew denture cleaner samples and information pamphlets explaining care, cleaning, and maintenance.
In most cases, adjustments are necessary to ensure comfort after you start using the dentures. The average denture wearer will need 2-5 adjustments after the denture is completed. Adjustments are necessary to correct any changes that may have occurred due to the settling of the dentures on the oral tissues.
Find us and let us help you with your full dentures in Dawson Creek and Fort St John!