5 Tips for Cleaning Dentures - October 15th 2021

An unfortunate myth among the denture wearing community is you never have to worry about cleaning your teeth again. Where this falls short is that dentures function very similarly to your natural teeth – they can pick up stains, discolour, and they can harbor microorganisms (germs and bacteria). Mile Zero is a denture clinic in Dawson Creek and Fort St. John with over twenty years of experience and they’d like to share 5 tips for keeping your dentures clean and looking new.
As we stated, dentures behave very similarly to natural teeth, and this means they must be brushed. Soaking your dentures does not remove all debris that comes from daily usage. The solution would be to immediately brush your dentures with a denture solution and brush. While dentures are not made of natural material, the bacteria they can harbor in the nooks and crannies can cause mouth sores and infections.
After a day’s use and a thorough brushing, you should soak your dentures in a cleansing solution overnight. Soaking prevents the material from drying out. Be sure to use solutions made of the appropriate liquids and chemicals, do not use homemade remedies or bleach. Only use products which are made for dentures, so you do not harm the denture and so you can ensure the bacteria which can collect on the denture is killed. Please keep in mind the time your denture spends soaking is also the time your gums need to rest. Take your dentures out every day for a period of time to ensure your gum and tissues remain healthy.
Professional Cleaning
Preventative cleanings exist for dentures as they do for natural teeth. The trust is that dentures should be subjected to an annual cleaning done by a professional. Your denturist should also evaluate the condition of the dentures every year as the tissues in your mouth which hold the denture in place.
Handle Carefully
Dentures are breakable. Made of plastic and other soft materials, they’re subject to breaks and cracks. When you remove your dentures to clean them, you may want to place a towel on the counter or in the sink to protect them in the event you drop them. This goes without saying, make sure you handle your dentures carefully and report anything to your denturist that feels out of place. If you’re experiencing pain, discomfort or slippage, contact your denturist right away. Also, if your denture is starting to break, contact your denturist. These are all signs that the denture is not fitting properly and needs some maintenance.
Contact a Professional
When in doubt, call your denturist to have your dentures and your mouth evaluated. They would rather see you enjoying life as it was meant to be lived than in their office for something that could have been prevented with a phone call. Contact Mile Zero Denture Clinic for repairs, to ask questions, or if you want to know more about our cleaning kits.
And remember, at the Mile Zero Denture Clinic we can fabricate your complete denture in just 2 days. Repairs can be completed in 1-2 hours and relines within one day. Call for a Free Consultation.