Common Dental Implant Start to Finish Treatment Plan - March 26th 2020

Dental implants are the only real solution for lower denture problems. Dental implants stabilize the lower denture which reduces or eliminates sore spots cause by the movement of the lower denture. A stable lower denture will improve your ability to eat and smile with confidence.
Some people shy away from dental implants because they are nervous about the procedure or are worried they will be without teeth for a period of time. We at the Mile Zero Denture Clinic work closely with the implant placing dentist to ensure you have a treatment plan which works best for you and your lifestyle. There are several treatment plan options, each of which are dependent on an individuals’ mouth anatomy and life situation.
The treatment plan below is one of the Mile Zero Denture Clinic’s most common treatment plans for a patient transitioning from natural teeth to implant dentures. We hope an explanation of one of the treatment plan options will help alleviate anxiety of the unknown for a person considering dental implants to stabilize a denture.
Treatment Plan Steps
The following treatment plan is for a patient whom is having their natural lower teeth extracted, a lower complete immediate denture fabricated and 4 lower implants and a bar placed to stabilize the lower denture.
1. Consultations – You can start with a consultation with either your dentist or with the Mile Zero Denture Clinic. If you start with the Mile Zero Denture Clinic we will discuss what to expect, answer any questions and refer you to an implant placing dentist. At the dentist consultation, they will take x-rays, do an examination of the jaw bone and decide how many implants will need to be placed and the type of attachment system. We work closely together with the dentists and will organize your next appointments together.
2. Impressions will be taken at the Mile Zero Denture Clinic and a lower immediate denture will be fabricated.
That denture will be delivered to the dentist office.
3. The dentist will extract the lower teeth and the immediate complete lower denture will be inserted.
4. You will have a check-up the following day at the Mile Zero Denture Clinic to alleviate any sore spots the lower denture may be causing. Follow- up care for the lower denture such as temporary liners, will be booked. Any adjustments needed to the denture will be taken care of by the Mile Zero Denture Clinic.
5. After a period of healing has taken place, (usually 2-6 months),you will have your implants placed by the implant placing dentist. A soft liner will be placed under the lower denture to allow you to wear the denture while healing. An impression for the fabrication of the implant bar will also be taken at this time.
6. 1-2 weeks after the implant placement, the bar will be fabricated and the dentist will attach it to the implants. The lower denture will be altered and a temporary soft liner will be placed under the denture to allow you to wear the denture over the bar while you are still healing.
7. 2-6 months after the bar is placed the implants will be checked by the dentist to ensure they have osteointegrated into the jaw bone. The dentist will now give the Mile Zero Denture Clinic the ok to attach the lower denture to the bar.
8. To attach the lower denture to the bar we will reline the attachment snaps that clip onto the bar, into the underside of the denture. This procedure can be completed in one day.
9. 6 months later, and after the healing process is complete, we recommend having a new lower denture fabricated. The original immediate denture will have been adjusted several times and a new lower denture which is fabricated after the healing is completed will function better. Also, it is always good to have a spare denture.
This is just one of the treatment plans for an implant overdenture. If you already have had your natural teeth extracted, you may be able to start the process at the implant placement step. But there are many different treatment plans possible when it comes to placing implants. Call your dentist or your denturist today to book a consultation and start the first step to a stable denture and a more confident you.