Lower Suction Dentures in Dawson Creek - August 1st 2018

full, partial, or implant dentures – or only needed repairs – our experienced staff will be able to take care of you. Also, if you’re struggling with loose lower dentures, we can help you with lower suction dentures. Jodie, one of our denturists and the practice’s owner, is certified to offer these dentures and would be excited to tell you more about how they can help you have a more positive experience with your dentures.
Mile Zero Denture Clinic takes pride in the superior work and denture services they provide in Dawson Creek. If you’re looking forLower suction dentures use an exciting new impression technique which can create suction and allow stability for the lower denture. Many people find their lower dentures to be loose and struggle trying to function with them. The reason people have more success with their upper denture is because upper dentures stay stable due to suction created by the junction of the hard and soft palate. Until now, lower dentures could not gain suction, therefore they were normally unstable making them more difficult to eat with and created more sore spots. We are excited to offer this technique to help our clients eat and smile with more confidence. Here is a video explaining more about Lower Suction Dentures:
Jodie, the practice’s owner, has been providing denture services since 2000 to clients in various locations in northern BC and Alberta. She keeps up with the most modern technologies and treatments so she can provide you a positive experience whether you’ve been wearing dentures for years or if you are being fit for your first dentures.
Phone to book a Free Consultation to see if you are a good candidate for lower suction dentures. 250-782-6004